Webpack 5 and Vite: A New Way to Learn – Active Thinking



Learning by “Guessing”; Understanding Webpack Better by Learning Vite; Mastering Vite based on Webpack Experience.

5.0 ★ | (3 ratings) | 53 students | Author:OnlyKiosk Tech

Course Duration:

4 sections • 44 lectures • 4h 27m total length


This course teaches both Webpack and Vite, but we did not just stack a Webpack course and a Vite course together.We want to help you master Webpack with less time and effort. This is why we add a Vite course.Studying Webpack lays the foundation for the following Vite study. Your Webpack experience enables you to instantly understand similar concepts in Vite. As a result, you can master Vite with much less time and effort.Meanwhile, learning Vite gives you the perfect opportunity to review and apply your Webpack knowledge.By comparing the similarities and differences between Webpack and Vite, you can deepen your understanding of both subjects.”Exploring” in the “darkness.”Instead of directly telling you what to do, this course takes a different approach—“forcing” you to figure things out by yourself. You will not only learn how but also know why.Since Webpack 4, a config file is no longer needed. This, of course, is just a marketing gimmick, something Webpack does to attract more new users by appearing to be simple and convenient.We take advantage of this feature. We will create a project and adapt it to meet the default Webpack settings. In this process, you will develop a more accurate and much deeper of how Webpack works and how to configure it.If you prefer the old way of learning, where I give you detailed instructions on how to do everything, we have got you covered. We have prepared a traditional Webpack entry lesson, which teaches everything step by step.


#Basic JavaScript knowledge
#Basic NPM knowledge

What you’ll learn:

#Master Webpack 5 and Webpack DevServer
#Master Vite
#Master Webpack and Vite library
#Master Webpack Module Federation

Who this course is for:

#JavaScript developers who want to learn Webpack 5#JavaScript developers who want to learn Vite#Webpack developers who want to learn Webpack module federation



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