The Complete ServiceNow Developer Course



Learn how to develop on the ServiceNow platform!

4.6 ★ | (5,617 ratings) | 28,264 students | Author:Mark MillerSinga Code

Course Duration:

10 sections • 57 lectures • 8h 42m total length


This course will teach you everything you need to know in order to start scripting on the ServiceNow platform. Whether you’re creating custom applications or configuring advanced customizations, leveraging scripting on the ServiceNow platform is a requirement for any great ServiceNow administrator.

This course includes over 70 lectures, containing over 8 hours of video, covering everything you need to know in order to master scripting on the ServiceNow platform. You’ll learn how ServiceNow APIs work and where you can use them within the platform.

This course is composed of 10 sections, which covers all of the most important ServiceNow APIs so you can start developing on the platform as quickly as possible! Learn about GlideRecord, GlideSystem, GlideAjax, GlideForm, GlideUser, GlideDateTime, and many more ServiceNow APIs. Discover the power of Script Includes and how you can create your very own APIs within the ServiceNow platform. Create modern, asynchronous web apps using ServiceNow’s GlideAjax API

Important: This is an intermediate level course. An understanding of JavaScript and ServiceNow is required. This course will not teach you JavaScript, although it contains many great resources for learning the language.

This course will cover all of the topics found within the Scripting in ServiceNow class. In addition to the lectures and slides, this course offers exercises and quizzes for each core section.


#ServiceNow Experience
#JavaScript & Object Oriented Programming
#Understanding of Web App Architecture (HTTP & Databases)

What you’ll learn:

#Develop on and customize for the ServiceNow platform
#The ServiceNow APIs
#When & where to script in ServiceNow

Who this course is for:

#ServiceNow Administrators#ServiceNow Developers#Custom App Developers



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Notes: If this Author or Course helped you improve your life. It is really worth it if you go and buy his/her course. Get feedback, support and help by his/her community. The Author support is much more valuable than the course itself.

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