Merch Momentum: A Course of Action for Print on Demand



Actionable Advice for Entrepreneurs & POD Creators Who Sell Tshirts & Products on Etsy, Merch By Amazon, Redbubble, etc.

5.0 ★ | (1 rating) | 5 students | Author:Michael Essany

Course Duration:

1 section • 10 lectures • 3h 14m total length


Merch Momentum founder and print-on-demand veteran Michael Essany shares actionable, unfiltered advice for entrepreneurs and creators who sell tshirts and products on Etsy, Merch By Amazon, Redbubble and everywhere else in ecommerce.In 3+ hours of video lectures and a 180+ page companion eBook, you will learn:How to establish a POD business that can evolve and endure amid changing times and turbulent economic conditions.How to set up an efficient and effective workflow to boost productivity and mitigate disorganization and creative chaos.How to think, act, and create like a storyteller, not a product seller.How to develop a robust design portfolio of not only diverse niches but also diverse styles and aesthetics, increasing the scope of your catalog’s appeal.How to identify niche opportunities and target passionate niche audiences.How to find niche inspiration and create completely original designs and products that can better compete by virtue of being innovative not imitative.How to create compelling product messaging that consumers will feel and embrace.How to design tshirts and POD products with clarity, creative simplicity, and a guiding purpose.How to write strong, expertly keyworded product listings to give algorithms what they want and consumers what they need to know.How to establish a winner’s mindset and commit to a series of actions that free your mind from distractions and emotions that impede focus, productivity, and financial progress.


#A basic understanding of print on demand and developing a catalog of designs to upload and sell on Merch By Amazon, Etsy, Redbubble and elsewhere.

What you’ll learn:

#How to establish a POD business that can evolve and endure amid changing times and turbulent economic conditions.
#How to set up an efficient and effective workflow to boost productivity and mitigate disorganization and creative chaos.
#How to think, act, and create like a storyteller, not a product seller.
#How to develop a robust design portfolio of not only diverse niches but also diverse styles and aesthetics, increasing the scope of your catalog’s appeal.
#How to identify niche opportunities and target passionate niche audiences.
#How to find niche inspiration and create completely original designs and products that can better compete by virtue of being innovative not imitative.
#How to create compelling product messaging that consumers will feel and embrace.
#How to design tshirts and POD products with clarity, creative simplicity, and a guiding purpose.
#How to write strong, expertly keyworded product listings to give algorithms what they want and consumers what they need to know.
#How to establish a winner’s mindset and commit to a series of actions that free your mind from distractions and emotions that impede focus and productivity

Who this course is for:

#Both beginners and veteran sellers in the print on demand space can benefit from the strategies advocated to grow more compelling and original bodies of work in POD.



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