Data Structures & Algorithms Essentials using C++ (2022)



Master core computer science concepts by mastering data structures, algorithms & problem solving using C++

4.4 ★ | (2,381 ratings) | 13,138 students | Author:Prateek NarangCoding Minutes

Course Duration:

25 sections • 243 lectures • 27h 7m total length


Are you a beginner looking to enter the world of Data Structures or intermediate programmer wondering what happens behind a Hash-table? Welcome to Data Structures & Algorithms, Essentials Course – the only course you need to understand the core concepts behind Data Structures & build a solid programming foundations using C++ . The course is taught by an expert instructor Prateek Narang from Google, who is not just a software engineer but also has mentored thousands of students in becoming great programmers & developers and is top rated on Udemy for his amazing teaching skills.Every software application revolves around data, performing different operations like Insert, Delete, Update & Search. To be a great software developer, understanding of Data Structures & Algorithms is must and this course provides you a deep understanding of the topic by covering both the theory and hands-on-implementation of each data structure from scratch.The Course contains 20+ hours of interactive video content & dozens of coding exercises, teaching you all essential concepts starting from ground zero. Each section covers data structure in great detail, with Coding Exercises & real life examples. Here is what you will learn – Programming ConceptsBit maskingObject Oriented Programming Basics Pointers & Dynamic Memory (C++)RecursionData Structures FoundationArray, 2D Array, Strings, VectorsLinked Lists, Stacks, QueuesTrees, BST, TriesHeaps/Priority QueuesHash-tables, Collision HandlingGraphs Algorithms FoundationBrute Force, Backtracking Sorting & SearchingDivide & ConquerDynamic ProgrammingThe course is designed for beginner & intermediate programmers. We try to make not so easy topics look easy with intuitive explanations & interactive video lectures with dozens of memes 😉 The course finishes with a final mini project – a command line app for an online shopping cart combining principles from Object Oriented Programming & Data Structures.Unlike most instructors, we are not a salesperson or a marketer. My job is to help you build strong fundamentals in programming & be a successful developer. Through Udemy & Coding Minutes, I am providing this course to you at a fraction of cost of its original cost, so that anyone who is interested to learn can take their skills to the next level. So I hope you sign up today, and I will see you in the course.


#Familiarity with any one programming language
#Ability to understand & write code (preferably C/C++)
#Understanding of Loops, Variables, Conditional Statements

What you’ll learn:

#Core concepts & internals of Data Structures
#Trees, Linked Lists, Heaps, Graphs
#Build all data structures from scratch
#Object Oriented Programming Basics
#Brute Force & Optimisation Techniques
#Space Time Complexity Analysis
#Hash Functions, Collision Handling
#Recursion & Backtracking
#Dynamic Memory & Pointers
#Create your own DS library!
#C++ Standard Template Library Basics
#Project – Design & Implement Shopping Cart

Who this course is for:

#Beginner level programmers#Students who want to learn data structures#Students from Computer Science & related branches#Working professionals who want to brush up internals of hashmaps, heaps, graphs etc



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  1. Adelynn says

    Please, captcha invalid, several times reload the page but problem still exist.

    Thank you,

  2. Adelynn says

    Oh now its working. Dunno must leave for awhile or after comment.
    Amazing, Thanks

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