English Speaking Complete: English Language Mastery



Supercharge your English speaking fluency and improve your vocabulary, grammar and English language skills.

4.5 ★ | (2,504 ratings) | 19,196 students | Author:David Morris

Course Duration:

39 sections • 286 lectures • 51h 34m total length


“Learning English is difficult!”If you’re studying the English language, you know this already.You probably even said this EXACT sentence a few times! Many students study English conversation skills for months or years – but don’t make the progress they want in their English speaking. Then I’m sure you’re asking…”How can I make learning the English Language easier?””And where can I improve my English speaking skills?”There’s lots of places to learn with different resources and styles.But if you’re looking for a COMPLETE ENGLISH LANGUAGE course…You’re in the right place.English Speaking Complete is a full, in-depth English Language course from beginner levels all the way to advanced (A1 – C2). Go from spoken English novice all the way to ENGLISH LANGUAGE MASTER in one complete course. Grow your confidence in everyday speaking topics and listen to a range of conversational recordings in real-life English environments.You’ll learn skills and shortcuts to really talk just like a native English speaker. Get fun, engaging lessons that teach you REAL English language vocabulary and expressions. No more sounding like a 1960s English textbook! So many courses teach old-fashioned and (quite honestly) weird English phrases. In English Speaking Complete you’ll learn the language used by native English speakers right NOW.Learn simple methods to grow your English Language fluency and master the tricks that native English Speakers use. Speed up your speaking and improve your listening skills to develop confidence in real English conversation.In this course…✔ Take your English Language skills from beginner to advanced.✔ Learn English Speaking in common conversation topics with live dialogue recordings✔ Ace a range of listening tests and quizzes to build English conversation skills✔ Master fun phrases and advanced vocabulary for English Speaking✔ SUPERCHARGE your English grammar and understanding✔ Improve your pronunciation and speak English clearly✔ Power up your Business English skills with Business English ExpressOn top of this, you get a range of practice activities and extended listening test to put your skills to the test.English Speaking Complete is THE place to power up your English Language skills.As part of our learning community, you also get…Lifetime access to this courseAll updates and new lessons (forever!)Q+A feature to discuss your English Speaking learning30 day money back guaranteeI’m really excited to have you here and can’t wait to get started.Sign up NOW and supercharge your ENGLISH SPEAKING powers.Here are some reviews from current students.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐”Thanks a ton David, for designing such wonderful and comprehensive English Speaking course! I would definitely recommend to all my friends. Your enthusiasm of teaching is awesome which are not present in all the instructor, that motivates me to start the course everyday.”⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐”Very interesting course. It helps me a lot to deal with English challenges.”⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐”The course really help me complete my English skills.”⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐”Amazing English course. I will highly recommend to all that David is the best teacher of English on Udemy. Very exciting to get this course. Thank you”


#Enthusiasm to improve your English Language skills
#A notepad and pen (recommended!)

What you’ll learn:

#Learn beginner to advanced English Speaking skills
#Understand and use English grammar
#Master English vocabulary and native phrases
#Build confidence in English Language
#Develop complete English conversation skills
#Improve English listening ability

Who this course is for:

#Students wanting to improve English language skills#English Language learners wanting to improve grammar understanding#Anyone from beginner to intermediate English users



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