Your Perfect Retirement Living



How to Navigate the Maze of Options to Find Your Ideal Home

0.0 ★ | (0 ratings) | 0 students | Author:Margo Arrowsmith, LCSW

Course Duration:

12 sections • 13 lectures • 1h 52m total length


Designed to help people through the maze of preconception, others’ opinions and determined sales pitches to find the best retirement home for you and or your spouse, this course will save your thousands of dollars and years of heartache for making a wrong decision.  The course teaches the recent history of retirement living as an introduction to what is available and how it got there.  Next is an exercise that will help you get past your own preconceived notions and discover the essence of what you really want and need. People often settle on an option without really being clear what this will mean to their lifestyle.  This section called “Your Perfect Day” is the foundation of what you will do in the rest of the course and your entire life.  Do not skip it.  Have fun while taking it seriously. Then you will learn about the options from staying home, to 55+ communities to traveling the country or world and others. After you decide on an option you will learn how to differentiate within those options, such as how to investigate dining in independent living or how to avoid losing money in a CCRC. This will help you avoid common pitfalls.You will learn  to navigate through sales pitches and the opinions of loved ones and concerned professionals.  Your instructor Margo Arrowsmith, LCSW has years of experience visiting all of the options and can guide you to see important distinctions that you would otherwise miss. At the end of the course will be additional information such as how to live in intergenerational households and the importance of boundaries for happiness families.  After you finish the basic course there will be a community where you can attend office hours or ask questions on the forum to be answered by the instructor and others in the course.  This course will be there for you as long as you need it.


#An open mind about the future and what your own preferences will be
#A desire to save many thousands of dollars and wasted time that will happen with a wrong decision

What you’ll learn:

#1. You will explore what you want and need in housing to make your retirement the best for who you are
#2. 2. You will learn to over come preconceived notions from you, your family and professionals
#3. You will learn about all the possible options from staying where you are to cruising the world and more
#4. You will learn how each of your preferred options can be altered to make them more to your tastes
#5. You will learn what questions to ask salespeople and how to listen to their answers
#6. You will avoid wasting 10’s of thousands of dollars and years of heart ache by making the right choice the first time

Who this course is for:

#People from 45 to 70 who are beginning to explore their options for their best retirement living



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Notes: If this Author or Course helped you improve your life. It is really worth it if you go and buy his/her course. Get feedback, support and help by his/her community. The Author support is much more valuable than the course itself.

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