Salesforce Health Cloud implementation + Certification 2022



Learn Salesforce Health cloud Setup and prepare for Salesforce Health cloud accredited professional certification

4.3 ★ | (10 ratings) | 27 students | Author:Mohamed Noman MOTI

Course Duration:

20 sections • 75 lectures • 4h 0m total length


This course is a complete overview of Salesforce Health cloud :- Its a 4 hours course and a step-by-step understanding of Salesforce health cloud / its features/data models and more – In this course, I implement Health cloud step by step so that you can be able to do it as well.- For any feature, I talk about; I start by explaining it and its value before diving into implementing it. – There’s also a part in this course where I try to answer some questions about Salesforce Health Cloud.- I also share with you the right road you should take to get the certification.- In this course, I prepared 100 Questions split into 4 exams so that you can exercise yourself before going for the exam.Subjects : – Setup health cloud/package installation – Patient card implementation and setup – Support appointment Scheduling in Health cloud – Care plans and life events – Medication management in Health cloud- Household/insurance data model – Health timeline – Remote monitoring – Provider Search in Health cloud- Social determinants in Health cloud- Intelligent sales in Health cloud- Enroll in a program in Health cloud- Leads and referrals management- Utilization management feature- Benefit verification feature- Intelligent Document management in health cloud- Health cloud CRM Analytics- Emergency Response Management and Contact Tracing- Knowledge in health cloud- Unified Health Scoring in health cloud- Identity verification in health cloud- Claims management in health cloud- Care gaps in salesforce health cloud- FHIR AND HL7 in Health cloud- Prepare for your Salesforce health cloud accredited professional- Practice Tests to do before taking the Health cloud certificationQuestions answered : – How does salesforce health cloud fit the rest of the Salesforce platform?- How does health cloud help health care professionals drive more business value?- How does health cloud help payers drive stronger member relationships?- How does health cloud help life science organizations drive smarter engagement?- What is the difference between health cloud and service cloud?- What is the relationship between health cloud and Electronic health records?- How can my company integrate EHRs with health cloud?- Are patient data secure using health cloud?- Which edition of salesforce health cloud is right for my company?- How is the market of Health cloud computing and what is its future?


#Since its a step by step course only some familiarity with salesforce is recommended.

What you’ll learn:

#How to implement Health cloud A to Z
#Understand Health clouds data models / features / actors and implement them
#Get trained to the certification using my materials
#Leverage your knowledge about the health industry

Who this course is for:

#Any one who wants to learn about Health cloud and understand its features#Any one who wants to learn how to Set up Health cloud#Compagnies that want to implement Health cloud#Any one who wants to pass the Health cloud accredited professional



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