React Tutorial and Projects Course (2022)



Learn React by Building 25+ Interesting Projects

4.7 ★ | (5,748 ratings) | 38,201 students | Author:John Smilga

Course Duration:

26 sections • 526 lectures • 57h 44m total length


React was released by Facebook’s web development team in 2013 as a view library. React is one of the best choices for building modern web applications. React has a slim API, a robust and evolving ecosystem and a great community. In this course we will be learning React by creating various projects.If you want to learn more than just same old tutorial and instead create interesting projects using React.js this course is for you. During the course we will also cover redux-toolkit, which is the latest flavor of good old redux and build an interesting project with it. After each tutorial section we will build few projects to put see theory in action. You are not expected to build all projects, but the more course projects, you will complete the easier it’s going to be to build your own applications, since you will know how to implement certain features in react. Here are few reasons why you should learn React.1. React is declarative2. React  makes app development easier3. The React community is amazing4. React is all about Reusable Components5. React is used by huge organizations6. React is SEO-friendly7. React fully embraces JavaScript8. React is unopinionated9. You’ll increase your earning power10. React has a fast learning curveAll Project Intros are available for preview.Here are some of the projects we are going to build in this course1. Birthday Reminder2. Tours3. Reviews4. Accordion5. Menu6. Tabs7. Slider8. Lorem Ipsum9. Color Generator10. Grocery Bud11. Navbar12. Sidebar and Modal13. Stripe Menu14. Cart15. Cocktails16. Markdown Preview17. Random Person18. Pagination19. Stock Photos20. Dark Mode21. Movies DB22. Hacker News23. Quiz24. Github Users25. E-Commerce26. Jobster


#Strong Knowledge of HTML, CSS, JS is Required. ES6 is optional.

What you’ll learn:

#Make Great Projects Using React

Who this course is for:

#Everyone who wants to learn React



React Tutorial and Projects Course (2022) Updtaed 6-2022.part01.rar [2 GB]

React Tutorial and Projects Course (2022) Updtaed 6-2022.part02.rar [2 GB]

React Tutorial and Projects Course (2022) Updtaed 6-2022.part03.rar [2 GB]

React Tutorial and Projects Course (2022) Updtaed 6-2022.part04.rar [2 GB]

React Tutorial and Projects Course (2022) Updtaed 6-2022.part05.rar [2 GB]

React Tutorial and Projects Course (2022) Updtaed 6-2022.part06.rar [2 GB]

React Tutorial and Projects Course (2022) Updtaed 6-2022.part07.rar [2 GB]

React Tutorial and Projects Course (2022) Updtaed 6-2022.part08.rar [2 GB]

React Tutorial and Projects Course (2022) Updtaed 6-2022.part09.rar [20.32 MB]


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