Python for Industry 4.0



Learn the basics of Python programming for Industry 4.0 with hands-on exercises and projects.

4.8 ★ | (11 ratings) | 114 students | Author:Industry 4.0 Academy ( Apio

Course Duration:

6 sections • 41 lectures • 4h 0m total length


Industry 4.0 is a concept that promises huge performance increases for manufacturing. Gradually, companies are starting to implement its concepts and are looking for professionals with experience in the area. This course is the first step for future studies and developments on different technologies of Industry 4.0, such as Machine Learning, Internet of Things, and real-time optimization, for example.The course is divided into chapters, which end with exercises to test and improve your Python programming skills. We will be using Google Colab. So no setup is required. You will be able to start coding as soon as we get started with the classes.We are going to cover the basic operations and syntax and also the main Python numerical and visualization libraries. This knowledge will be used in practical exercises for loading a dataset from a steel industry and building algorithms for data resampling and aggregation, data compression, filtering noise, identifying outliers, and others.At the end of the course, you will work on two projects. The first one is the development of an algorithm to calculate the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (or OEE) of two production lines. The second one is the development of control loop performance indicators based on a real refinery dataset.


#No programming experience needed

What you’ll learn:

#Load, work, and visualize real manufacturing data
#Basic Python programming with Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and other libraries
#Complete a project on calculate Overall Equipment Effectiveness of two production lines
#Complete a project on Control Loop Process Monitoring based on real dataset from a refinary

Who this course is for:

#Individuals looking for first python-based application in manufacturing


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