One Week Python



A Quick and Effective Way To Learn Python, Made For Busy People

4.8 ★ | (951 ratings) | 6,444 students | Author:Colt Steele

Course Duration:

26 sections • 189 lectures • 14h 14m total length


Don’t waste your time with 60+ hour behemoth courses that you never finish!  Instead, try this quick and effective pathway to Python that was designed with your sanity in mind.   This course is the p1erfect first step into the world of data science, web dev, machine learning, or any other discipline that requires Python knowledge.As an-person coding bootcamp instructor, I created this course to keep you engaged the entire way through.  It’s full of exercises, quizzes, challenges, and projects.  The slides, diagrams, and cheatsheets were painstakingly designed to help you visualize the tricky concepts.  There are no 20-minute monster videos in this course; the average video is only 4 minutes long.  Everything about this course has been designed to make it actually completable!This course covers all the Python essentials you need: everything from variables to data structures to object oriented programming and modules. You’ll fill up your Python toolbox so you can go on and tackle libraries like pandas, flask, scikitlearn, django, and more.What this course is not:  This course is not a complete guide to every single possible feature in the Python language.  It focuses on the 80% that is absolutely critical and worth your time, but there are other (much longer) courses that are more akin to Python textbooks that take the time to cover every feature.  In fact, I created one of those courses, and it happens to be 40 hours long!  As someone who has both created and purchased massive Udemy mega bootcamp courses, I know they are still the standard format on the platform, but maybe it’s time for something a bit more human and engaging. I thought it was worth a try at least.Here’s a detailed breakdown of what we cover:Painless installation for all platforms and usersWorking with numbersPython variablesStrings and string methodsBooleansConditional LogicBoolean LogicLoopsFunctionsScopeListsDictionariesSets Tuples*args and **kwargs Working with errorsCustom modules3rd party modules PIPObject Oriented ProgrammingClasses


#No programming experience needed – I cover everything you need to know!
#A computer (mac, windows, or linux) and an internet connection

What you’ll learn:

#Master modern Python fundamentals as quickly as possible
#Learn the Python you need to move on to Data Science or Web Development
#Work with 3rd party Python libraries and modules
#Complete dozens of exercises, quizzes, and projects
#You’ll learn to code with Python while staying sane!

Who this course is for:

#Anyone who wants to learn Python in as little time as possible#Busy people who can’t spend months completing a Python course#Anyone who plans on learning Data Science or Machine Learning but first needs a Python foundation



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  1. anil karela says

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    1. Arafat Vai says
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