Modern Gradle Fundamentals



Learn how to efficiently structure and build software projects with Gradle 7

4.6 ★ | (6 ratings) | 50 students | Author:Jendrik Johannes

Course Duration:

6 sections • 20 lectures • 2h 50m total length


Gradle is one of the most advanced build tools for Java and other JVM languages like Kotlin, Groovy and Scala.In this course you learn how to structure your software project with Gradle to get the most out of it.This course is hands-on. Together, we build up a project from scratch, learning Gradle features one-by-one. While we do this on the example of a Java project, the gained knowledge can be transferred to any kind of software project built with Gradle. Whatever automation task you would like to tackle: This course is for you to unlock the full power of Gradle.No prior Gradle knowledge is required and you learn the latest best practices of Gradle 7 and beyond.The video instructions are packed with information. To follow along, you will likely pause the videos regularly to explore the example and make sure it works for you. You should plan in ~3 times the duration of a video to work through the corresponding lecture.Topics OverviewGradle Configuration Language (Gradle’s DSL)Define a Project Structure – Settings File and Gradle WrapperGive Meaning to Components/Subprojects – Build FilesCentralise Build Configuration – Convention PluginsCompose an Application – add DependenciesRun the Build – with Incremental Building and CachingConfigure Tasks added by PluginsRegister new Tasks using existing Task ImplementationsImplement your own Build Logic in a TaskMake your Project accessible through Lifecycle TasksDependency Scopes (aka Configurations)Central Places for Dependency Versions – Platform Projects / Dependency Version CatalogsConflicts and Component Metadata RulesSource SetsConfiguring TestingKotlin vs Groovy DSLWriting Build Configuration in Java


#You should be familiar with IntelliJ IDEA and the programming languages (e.g. Java) for which you want to setup a project with Gradle. You do not need any prior knowledge about Gradle itself.

What you’ll learn:

#The fundamental Gradle concepts
#How to structure Gradle projects – efficiently to work with and maintainable
#Understanding the Gradle DSL (Kotlin and Groovy variant)
#Gradle build configuration: Settings File, Build Files and Convention Plugins
#Gradle build execution: Tasks, Task Inputs/Outputs, Task Dependencies
#Dependency management: Scopes/Configurations, Repositories, Versioning
#Configuring Testing with Gradle
#Using Java to configure Gradle

Who this course is for:

#Java Developers#Android Developers#Kotlin Developers#Scala Developers#Groovy Developers


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