Build Fullstack Trello clone: WebSocket, Socket IO



Learn Real Time Communication, WebSocket, Socket IO, Angular, Typescript, NodeJS, Express, Mongodb and Deployment

4.9 ★ | (16 ratings) | 219 students | Author:Oleksandr Kocherhin

Course Duration:

8 sections • 48 lectures • 8h 49m total length


In this course we will build a Trello clone API using Angular, Typescript, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB and Socket IO . This course is fully focused on fast and deep dive into creation of fullstack application with this tools. We will start from scratch and step by step you will get close to finished real application. You will deeply understand how to structure your application, build reusable and understandable modules and services and split code into smaller chunks of code. We will write code together in efficient way to make it pure and avoid data complexity. We will do real time communication by implementing WebSocket with Socket IO.Our code will be written with Typescript on the backend and on the client. We will deploy our application to the real production server at the end of the course.For each lesson you’ll get source code of the lesson, so it’s easy to see the progress and get a working app on any lesson you want. What you will learn in this course:Structure and configure projectWrite high quality code with Typescript on real projectCreate reusable modules, controllers and servicesImplementing authentication both in http and in websocketsDeeply understand Angular & Express design patternsNo prior knowledge except of Javascript is needed (because I will teach you everything from basics) but if you have experience with any of this  (Angular/Express/Typescript/MongoDB/Socket io) it will be easier for you to go through this course.If you are feeling like you learned web but you still still missing knowledge of how to build your own real application this course is what you need.


#A computer on which you can install software (Windows, MacOS, or Linux)
#Javascript knowledge is required

What you’ll learn:

#Build fullstack project with Angular, Express, Node, Typescript, Socket io, MongoDB
#Write high quality code
#Create reusable modules and services
#Write perfect architecture and dry code

Who this course is for:

#This course is for you if you want to develop a real fullstack project from beginning to the end#This course is for everyone who is interested in learning development with Angular, Typescript, Socket IO#This course is for you if you want to improve you knowledge of web development


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  1. Galib says

    This course are not available can you upgrade it please ?

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